2020 Wildfire Recovery

2020 was a historic wildfire year in Oregon’s Cascades.  The Beachie Creek, Holiday Farm, and Lionshead Fires burned over 200,000 acres in the Willamette National Forest alone. These fires have impacted wildlife habitat, riparian areas, old growth groves, and recreation sites.

A Willamette Wildfire Recovery Fund has been created to address ongoing recovery needs. The first priority set for these funds is reforestation.

Post-fire restoration is crucial to prevent further damage and spur recovery on our forest. Planting will decrease soil erosion, encourage snow retention, reestablish native tree species, and provide important wildlife habitat for spotted owls, pileated woodpeckers, chinook salmon, and others. Cascade Volunteers will be coordinating small volunteer planting events beginning in the spring of 2021. If you would like to donate to post-fire reforestation efforts or volunteer at a planting event, please use the buttons below.